Parent Child Relationship
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Parent Child Relationship
Family Climate Scale by Beena Shah(English)
This scale consists 90 statements relating to ten dimensions of family climate: I. freedom-restrictiveness, II. attention-negligence, III. dominance-submission, IV. acceptance-rejection, V. trust-distrust, VI. indulgence- avoidance, VII. warmth-coldness, VIII. expectation hopelessness, IX. partiality-fairness, X. open communication-controlled communication. It is standardized on High School Students
SKU: L15 -
Parent Child Relationship
Multi Dimensional Parenting Scale by S N. S. Chauhan and C. P. Khokhar (English)
Parent Child RelationshipMulti Dimensional Parenting Scale by S N. S. Chauhan and C. P. Khokhar (English)
  It is a five point rating verbal scale of 56 items for 7 dichotomous dimensions of parenting—hate–love, discouragement–encouragement, rejection–acceptance, dependence–independence, autocratism–democratism, submission-dominance, conservatism-progressivism. It also measures both fathering and mothering roles. 2 score norms was found on all the dimensions separately for father and mother.
SKU: L3 -
Parent Child Relationship
Parent Child Relationship Scale by P Nalini Rao (English)
The scale contains 100 items categorized into 10 dimensions namely protecting, symbolic punishment, rejecting, object punishment, demanding, indifferent, symbolic reward, loving, object reward and neglecting. Each respondent score the tool for both father and mother separately. lt is meant for adolescents in the age group 13 to 16 years studying in the secondary school.
SKU: L2 -
Parent Child Relationship
Parental Involvement Scale by Rita Chopra and Surabala Sahoo (English)
This scale consists 34 items. This scale measures 3 Dimensions — School Involvement, Home Involvement and Involvement through PTA [Parent Teacher Association. Parents of Primary School Students.
SKU: L10 -
Parent Child Relationship
Parenting Scale by R. L. Bharadwaj (English)
 This scale consists 40 items. This is intended to measure perceptions of the individual (perceived parenting) on one’s own feeling as to how one is brought up by one’s parents on eight dichotomous modes of parenting: rejection vs. acceptance, carelessness vs. protection, neglect vs. indulgence, utopian expectations vs. realism, lenient standard vs. moralism, freedom vs. discipline, faulty role expectations vs. realistic role expectations, and marital conflict vs. marital adjustment. It measures the role of mothering, fathering and parenting as a whole. It is applicable for the age 10+.
SKU: L4 -