Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Showing 25–48 of 60 results
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Emotional Intelligence Test by Roqiya Zainuddin and Anjum Ahmed (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityEmotional Intelligence Test by Roqiya Zainuddin and Anjum Ahmed (English)
This test measures emotional intelligence under 3 dimensions. They are: Self-Awareness, Self Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skill. This test has 30 items and developed on the age group of 21-25 years.
SKU: E09 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Emotional Quotient by Prof. N.K. Chadha (English)
This is a test of emotional intelligence and measures EQ of 17-25 years old population. It consists of 73 items and measures EQ on following dimensions: Sensitivity, Conscientiousness, Empathy, and Adaptability
SKU: E011 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
General Mental Ability Test for Children by R.P. Srivastava and Kiran Saxena (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityGeneral Mental Ability Test for Children by R.P. Srivastava and Kiran Saxena (English)
This test a measure of five mental abilities in the form of Verbal and Non-verbal test. They are Analogy, Classification, Number Series, Reasoning Problems, and Absurdities. It is developed to measure the general mental ability of 7 to 11 year students.
SKU: E01 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
General Mental Alertness Test by R.P. Srivastava (English)
This is a multiple choice questionnaire of 100 items which are grouped under 4 different parts. They are: Arithmetic, Reasoning, Definitions, Number Series and Same-Opposite. This test is standardized on college students.
SKU: E020 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Gessell Drawing Test by S. Venkatesan (Indian Modification) (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityGessell Drawing Test by S. Venkatesan (Indian Modification) (English)
It is a drawing test to measure the intelligence of the Indian children with Mental Retardation, Hearing Impairment and other Developmental Disabilities. Child has to reproduce the geometrical drawings and the same will be analyzed for I.Q. interpretation. Percentile ranks are provided for raw scores for the interpretation of I.Q. The test is very useful among the children from the age group of 18 months to 144 months.
SKU: E028 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Giftedness – Academic Task Commitment (ATC) Checklist by Dr. C G Venkatesh Murthy and Kiran N C (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityGiftedness – Academic Task Commitment (ATC) Checklist by Dr. C G Venkatesh Murthy and Kiran N C (English)
This is a check list developed to study academic task commitment among high school and higher secondary students ranging from 14-18 years. It covers the following dimensions: (a) Endurance: (b) Strong Ego Fascination & Perseverance: (c) Self Confidence: (d) Interest and Enthusiasm: (e) Self Determination, Hard work and Dedicated Practice
SKU: E055 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Group Test of Intelligence by G.C. Ahuja (English)
This test is devised to assess the general mental ability of children in the age group of 13-17 Years. This 261-item test consists of eight sub tests: following directions, Classification, Analogies, Arithmetic Reasoning, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Series, and Best Answers. Time required for whole administration is 32 minutes.
SKU: E03 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Group Test of Intelligence by Pramila Ahuja (English)
This 110 items questionnaire measures general mental ability of 9 to 13 years aged students. This test consists of seven sub tests: scrambled words, Analogies, Classification, Disarranged Sentences, Same Opposite, Series, and Best Answers. Total time required is 25 minutes.
SKU: E02 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Indian Child Intelligence Test (ICIT) by Usha Kire et al(English)
Indian Child Intelligence Test (ICIT) is an adaptation of the Revised Amsterdam’s Kinder (Child) Intelligence Test (RAKIT). This Dutch battery is standardized for children of 4 to 11 years in Holland. This test comprises of 12 verbal and non-verbal sub tests which are: a) Closure, b) Exclusion, c) Memory Span, d) Verbal Meaning, e) Mazes, f) Learning names, g) Quantity, h) Discs, i) Hidden Figures, j) Analogies, k) Idea Production, and l) Story Telling. In the Indian adaptation of ICIT, the first 9 subtests of RAKIT have been adapted for the age group of 6-12 years.
SKU: E034 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence by P.N. Mehrotra (English)
The verbal and nonverbal test items will measure the I.Q. of 10– to 18 year adolescents and time limited for 20 mins. Verbal items contain; Analogy, Number Series, Classification, Vocabulary and Reasoning, where as nonverbal part contains Analogy, Arrangement, Classification, Digit Symbol, and Part Fitting test.
SKU: E06 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Multiple Intelligence Scale by Surabhi Agarwal & Dr. Suraksha Pal (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityMultiple Intelligence Scale by Surabhi Agarwal & Dr. Suraksha Pal (English)
This is a 90 item scale designed on the dimensions given by Howard Gardner. The dimensions are: Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Kinesthetic intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Musical intelligence, Naturalistic intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and Existential intelligence. This scale is standardized on high school students of 10th, 11th, & 12th(14-18 yrs)
SKU: E054 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Non-verbal Group Intelligence Test by A.O.Imtisungha (English)
This 78 item non-verbal test of intelligence consists of 9 sub tests. They are: Arithmetic Reasoning, Matrices, Classification, Figure Analogy, Quantitative Reasoning, Synonyms, Opposites, Similarities, and Picture Completion. This test is standardized on the age group of 13 to 17 years and above people.
SKU: E032 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Non-verbal Test of Intelligence by Atmanand Sharma (English)
The present test is constructed on the lines of Raven’s Standard Progressive matrices. This test measures the ‘g’ factor of the children age group of 10 years and above. Series of problems are presented in the progressive order of difficulty and the child has to reason out the missing problem in the series from the alternatives.
SKU: E033 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Pediatric Developmental Screening Test by A Puri & D. Pershad (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityPediatric Developmental Screening Test by A Puri & D. Pershad (English)
This screening test consists of 99 items under four areas. They are, Gross motor area, Fine motor area, Language area, and Personal and social areas. This test is developed for children up to 36 months of age.
SKU: E036 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Reasoning Ability in Science by P. Anuradha Joshi and B.C.Mahapatra (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityReasoning Ability in Science by P. Anuradha Joshi and B.C.Mahapatra (English)
This scale measures reasoning ability in science on different areas such as: Analogy, Classification, Deductive and inductive reasoning through 43 items which is meant for 10+ students.
SKU: E048 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Reasoning Ability Test by Mehraj Ahmed Bhat and Punita Govil (English)
Intelligence & Reasoning AbilityReasoning Ability Test by Mehraj Ahmed Bhat and Punita Govil (English)
This test consists 35 items divided into six dimensions: I. Analogical Reasoning, II. Linear Reasoning, III. Conditional Reasoning, IV. Deductive Reasoning, V. Inductive Reasoning, VI. Cause and Effect Reasoning. It was administered on secondary school students.
SKU: E053 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Seguin Form Board (Performance)
This is a form board of performance test of intelligence wherein a child is required to insert ten different shaped blocks into the corresponding shapes. It measures speed and accuracy. Used in case of speech impairment and as a screening test. Age 3½ to 10 years, and up to adult level for the mentally handicapped. Based on the performance the mental age will be calculated. This is an effective test for measurement of intelligence below 11 years to understand the mental ability of retarded children.
SKU: E039 -
Intelligence & Reasoning Ability
Sevenfold Emotional Intelligence Scale by Sarabjit Kaur (English)
This scale consists 63 items divided into seven areas–I. Self-awareness and Appraisal, II. Self-regulation and Responsibility, III. Self Motivation, IV. Self Esteem and Confidence, V. Empathy and Acceptance of others, VI. Interpersonal Relations, VII. Social Skills. This scale is standardized on 800 Male/Female students studying in +2, College Level UG and PG Level.
SKU: E049