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Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Concept Formation in Multiple Choice Situations (Performance)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingConcept Formation in Multiple Choice Situations (Performance)
Concept formation in Yerke’s Multiple Choice Apparatus: This is a wooden apparatus with an acrylic top. A screen is fixed in between. It has a row of switches connected to respective row of lights on both the sides. Experimenter side is provided with a regulator to control the functioning of the buzzer. Subject can switch on or switch off the lights and buzzer from his side by operating the corresponding switches.
SKU: O5 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Critical Thinking Scale By Hemant Lata Sharma and Priyamvada(English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingCritical Thinking Scale By Hemant Lata Sharma and Priyamvada(English)
This scale consists 85 items divided into Two Dimensions: I. Cognitive Disposition (Sub Dimension–a. Analysis, b. Inference, c. Evaluation, d. Self Regulation), II. Affective Disposition (Sub Dimension–a. Ethics and Values, b. Self Confidence, c. Inquisitiveness, d. Open Mindedness). This scale is developed on Students age group 14-18 Years.
SKU: O15 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Mathematics Thinking Skills Test by S. K. Bawa and Rekha Kaushal (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingMathematics Thinking Skills Test by S. K. Bawa and Rekha Kaushal (English)
This test consists 19 items divided into Five Areas: I. Skill of Analysis, II. Skill of Evaluation, III. Skill of Creativity, IV. Combination of Analysis and Evaluation, V. Combination of Analysis and Creativity. It is developed on Elementary Level Students.
SKU: O16 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Murthy’s Critical Thinking Scale by Dr. C.G.Venkatesha Murthy (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingMurthy’s Critical Thinking Scale by Dr. C.G.Venkatesha Murthy (English)
This test measure the critical thinking ability of the students of 14 to 18 years of age. This is a scale where four conflicting situations are given. A respondent has to imagine that he is in that situation. For each situation, he has to analyze the situation and write different merits and demerits. The respondent is also expected to write how s/he would conclude his opinion for every situation. H should also give reasons.
SKU: O14 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Passi-Usha Test of Creative Problem Solving by B. K. Passi and Usha Kumar (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingPassi-Usha Test of Creative Problem Solving by B. K. Passi and Usha Kumar (English)
PUTCPS can be used with children and adult for measuring their creative problem solving ability. It is applicable in screening students for admission to design courses and also to assess the creative problem solving ability of designers in different organizations. It can also be used with architects, craftsmen, interior decorators and other persons involved in complex problem solving situation like negotiation and conflict resolution. It measures the originality and elaboration.
SKU: O10 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Problem Solving Ability Test based on TOL Test
Performance test: This test consists of a wooden board with three different sized pegs mounted with three wooden colour balls. A schedule of presentation of the problems is to be prepared from one move problem to the multiple move problems in an increasing order of difficulty. This is an adapted version of Tower of London Test.
SKU: O11 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Problem Solving Ability Test by Sushma Talesara and Farzana Isfan (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingProblem Solving Ability Test by Sushma Talesara and Farzana Isfan (English)
This test consists 29 items divided into Four Areas–I. Academic, II. Environmental, III. Emotional & Social and (IV) Real Life. This test is developed on 14+ aged population.
SKU: O17 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
The model of this test to some extent was based upon Heibreder’s concept attainment test. The 48 pictures of the test are brought under six sets and in each set there are eight pictures which belong to eight different categories. At the bottom of each picture a four letter non-sense syllable is given as ‘response word’. The eight categories of pictures are (i) human face, (ii) animal, (iii) bird, (iv) jug, (v) number three, (vi) number six, (vii) square pattern, and (viii) circle pattern. These eight pictures are found in all six sets but with different forms in each set. This is called response set. The other set which is not having any response word at the bottom of the picture is called stimulus set. Thus, these two, the response set and the stimulus set constitute the complete test of the Concept Achievement Test. Test is satisfactorily reliable and valid. Age group 19 to 25 years.
SKU: O1 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Pyramid Puzzle – Problem Solving Ability (Adopted Version)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingPyramid Puzzle – Problem Solving Ability (Adopted Version)
he Pyramid puzzle is being used for the study of problem solving, insight learning and concept formation. This instrument consists of a wooden board with three metallic pegs fixed in a triangle pattern. One of the pegs has 6 square blocks (the stack of graduated blocks) arranged in a pyramid pattern. Theses blocks are of six different sizes from largest to the smallest so as to facilitate to look like a pyramid.
SKU: O12 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Test of Higher Mental Ability in Science by D. N. Sansanwal and Anuradha Joshi (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingTest of Higher Mental Ability in Science by D. N. Sansanwal and Anuradha Joshi (English)
The test contains 20 items meant for High School students. It is based on Bloom’s Cognitive domain and assesses four levels: application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Age group 14 to 17 years.
SKU: O7 -
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, Thinking
Test of Thinking Strategies by Smriti Swarup and D. H. Mehta. Swarup Mehta (English)
Concept Formation and Problem Solving, ThinkingTest of Thinking Strategies by Smriti Swarup and D. H. Mehta. Swarup Mehta (English)
It is has been devised to identify the thinking styles in children at an earlier level of cognitive functioning, to diagnose the process deficits in the children manifesting learning problems. As it is a criterion-referenced test and norms are not required. The test is divided into 4 sub tests. It has been standardized on children between 9-12 years of age.
SKU: O13