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Using this electric memory drum the stimulus words are presented in four different speeds automatically
501-TR-(1 Set includes 1 electrical memory drum (stepper motor), variable speed and manual)
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Long term memory is a state of storage of information for a longer duration of time. Once the information is transferred from short term memory stage, information will be organized and integrated with all the other information in this stage and called LTM. This test can be used to study the different time intervals and association values on Long Term Memory.
Chunks are 0the bits of information or words, which are grouped. This is a method used in short-term memory. Miller found that nonsense syllables and digits can be learnt more efficiently if they could be grouped into chunks. The same can be understood using two sets of words printed on a card. Set ‘A’ are the non-chunked letters and set ‘B’ are chunked letters.
The strength of memory for meaningful materials and the non-meaningful materials is studied by using this list of words. This list has three sets of words. List ‘A’ – Non-sense syllables,, List ‘B’ – connected words , and List ‘C’ – meaningful connected words.
A widely known P.G.I. Memory scale contains 10 sub-tests: remote memory, recent memory, mental balance, attention-concentration, delayed recall, immediate recall, retention for similar pairs, and retention for dissimilar pairs, visual retention and recognition. Norms are provided on subjects who had no history of psychiatric/neurological illness and are above the age of 20 years. It is very useful in clinical practices and for mental patients.
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