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This memory test is developed on 13 to 18 year age.
101-TR-(1 set includes 100 consumable booklets. 1 set of cards and manual )
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Generally recall of learnt material requires lot of memory processing and this will limit the memory strength. If the same process of recalling is replaced with recognition method, individuals will show higher memory strength comparatively. This process of memory functioning can be understood using this set of cards. This test consists of 45 simple meaningful words printed on small cards. These cards are grouped in to three sets and each set is presented separately i.e. I set is used for recall series and the II & III sets is to be used for recognition series. The 3rd set cards should be marked with letter ‘R’ behind to identify from the group.
Span of immediate memory is the total memory span of an individual on a single exposure of a stimulus. This test will help us to understand phenomenon.
This instrument is very useful in conducting memory experiments wherein the list words pasted on the rotating drum and the list of words can be presented to the subject by operating the lever the stimulus is exposed through a camera slit in a controlled speed of exposure.
This is a list of words to measure the effect of cues on recalling. The cues are the signals, which can elicit behaviour based on previous experience. The recall of learnt material will be better when the proper cues are provided. Present material is used to study the relative efficiency of cued recall and free recall. It is based on an experiment conducted by G. Wood. This test consists of two lists of words (30 words each). List A has a random set of words and list B has the words selected under five different specific categories of six words in each. Categories are printed behind the list.+H415
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